Danny Iachini’s Weblog

My Nerdy Stuff

Temporarily Abandoning Chrome

Google Chrome is great!  I blogged about it on day 1, and I’m still standing by it – it really is a great web browser!  However, the inability to scroll up with my touchpad (and the insane speed at which any scrolling takes place!) coupled with the lack of add-ons is causing me to shift back to Firefox 3 (at least temporarily).

Lucky for me, there’s a LifeHacker article about how to do everything that Google Chrome does (except increasing speed and multi-threading…) through Firefox extensions!   (I totally already had the Download StatusBar — one of my favorite extensions.)

And the one thing that I noticed about my Chrome usage — I was really growing to love the omnibar!  The whole “g”-tab-“search term” to search Google (and “w” for Wikipedia, etc) was really nice. But LifeHacker saved me there too!  Firefox has that (in a way) built in as well!  Right click on a search box on whatever page you want (say Google), go to “Add a Keyword for this Search…”, name it something useful, add the keyword (say “g” for Google), and voila!  Now typing “g Danny Iachini” in the AwesomeBar of Firefox3 will Google me!

September 10, 2008 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment